Since 2009, Grades of Green has been mentoring and equipping students with the knowledge and leadership skills they need to create meaningful environmental changes locally and globally. Grades of Green continued to develop its program pathway by launching it’s inaugural SOAR Eco-Leadership Academy where students worked with multiple businesses to make impactful, sustainable change.

Over 44,000 students were reached and empowered to turn their environmental aspirations into a reality during our programs that spanned five of the most pressing climate topic areas. By incorporating learnings from past campaigns, hosting 100% of the program content for free on our website, and putting environmental justice at the forefront of program design, our students were able to make long-lasting changes in their communities for the greener.

We are so excited to share our students’ stories of impact and know you’ll be as inspired by them as we are.

Download a PDF version of the Impact Report 2022-2023 report.